How Big Companies Maintain Their Accounting Process

Big companies, also known as large corporations, significantly impact the economy and society.

How Big Companies Maintain Their Accounting Process

Big companies, also known as large corporations, significantly impact the economy and society.

They are characterized by their large revenue, assets, and number of employees. There are of bunch of benefits associated with bookkeeping such as it allows them to make informed business decisions, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and report their financial performance to stakeholders. Here, we will explore the methods and challenges big companies face in maintaining their accounting process.

Methods for Maintaining Accounting Records

  • Use of accounting software

One of the most important methods for maintaining accurate accounting records is using accounting software. These software systems automate many of the tedious and time-consuming tasks involved in accounting, such as bookkeeping, invoicing, and financial reporting. They also provide a secure and easily accessible platform for storing and organizing financial data. Some examples of popular accounting software for big companies include QuickBooks, Xero, and SAP.

  • The hiring of skilled professionals

Another critical method for maintaining accounting records is the hiring of skilled professionals. Big companies often employ certified public accountants (CPAs) to ensure that their financial records are accurate and comply with accounting standards such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These professionals also provide valuable insights and advice on financial matters, such as tax planning and budgeting.

  • Internal controls and checks

Internal controls and checks are also essential for maintaining accurate accounting records. These controls, such as the segregation of duties and regular audits, help to prevent errors and fraud. They also ensure that financial data is accurate and reliable. For example, a company may have different employees responsible for other aspects of the accounting process, such as data entry and review, to minimize the risk of errors or fraud.

  • Compliance with regulations and standards

Big companies must also comply with various regulations and standards, such as GAAP, IFRS, and local laws and regulations. This requires them to follow specific guidelines and procedures for financial reporting, record-keeping, and auditing. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties, fines, and reputational damage.

Challenges Facing Big Companies in Maintaining Accounting Records

Despite the many methods and tools available to big companies for maintaining accurate accounting records, they still face many challenges. 

  • Volume of transactions and data

One of the main challenges is the volume of transactions and data they must process and store. With so much data to manage, it can be difficult to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

  • The complexity of business operations

The complexity of business operations is another challenge for big companies. They often have many different departments, subsidiaries, and business units, each with its financial records and systems. This can make it challenging to consolidate financial data and ensure that it is accurate and consistent across the company.

  • Risk of fraud and errors

Another significant challenge is the risk of fraud and errors. With such a large volume of financial data, it can be challenging to detect and prevent fraud or mistakes. This is why big companies need to have robust internal controls and checks in place.

  • Changes in regulations and technology

Keeping up with rules and technology is also challenging for big companies. Accounting standards and regulations are constantly evolving, and big companies must stay informed and adapt their processes and systems accordingly. New technologies and software are continually being developed, and big companies must evaluate and implement these technologies to remain competitive.

There are several reasons that prove the importance of hiring a financial advisor, and one must consider taking professional help. Let’s understand it via case studies.

Case Studies/Examples

One real-world example of a big company successfully maintaining its accounting process is Walmart. The retail giant's sophisticated accounting system allows it to manage the vast amount of financial data generated by its thousands of stores and millions of transactions. The company uses advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze and improve their financial performance. Additionally, Walmart has a strong team of financial experts who ensure that the company's accounting records a variety of accounting software and tools to automate tasks, such as bookkeeping and invoicing, and ensure that financial data is accurate and reliable. They also have a team of skilled professionals, including CPAs, to oversee the accounting process and ensure compliance with regulations and standards. Additionally, Walmart has internal controls and checks to prevent errors and fraud.

Another example of a big company facing challenges in its accounting process and how it overcame them is Enron. In 2001, Enron, an energy company, was found to have engaged in accounting fraud and misleading financial reporting. The company had used accounting loopholes, off-balance sheet transactions, and poor financial reporting to hide billions of dollars in debt. This led to the collapse of the company and significant losses for investors. Enron's case highlights the importance of accurate and transparent financial reporting and the consequences of failing to maintain accurate accounting records.


Big companies must maintain accurate accounting records to make informed business decisions, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and report financial performance to stakeholders. This can be achieved through the use of accounting software, hiring skilled professionals, implementing internal controls and checks, and compliance with regulations and standards. By understanding these methods and challenges, big companies can ensure their accounting process is efficient and effective.

Author Bio:

Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. Being a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. I cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hair styling and automotive. You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

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