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Q&A with Livia Esterhazy - CEO of WWF New Zealand
Livia spoke with us to share some advice for the next generation of leaders.
By Jack Nodding, 16 May, 2018
Livia has had an accomplished career. She started her role as CEO of WWF-New Zealand with a passion for sustainability and environmental matters.
Livia spoke to us ahead of the summit to share some advice for the next generation of leaders.
Q: What is one challenge you have had to overcome in your journey to the top?
A: Doubting myself and feeling I have nothing to add because I don't know the technical content - the 'imposter syndrome'.
Q: What lesson would you give to your younger self?
A: Focus on what you are good at and be ok with what you don't know, rather than trying to be everything for everyone.
Q: Why have you chosen to speak at Liquid Learning’s Women in Environment, Conservation and Sustainability Summit?
A: I have a love of talking and sharing stories. If some of my stories can help other women in this field overcome foibles like mine earlier and faster than in my career, I'd call that success!
Q: What do you hope the attendees of the event would gain from attending?
A: Other than meeting and networking with an incredible lineup of women, I'd say some key insights to take into their lives with a good dose of inspiration.
Q: Summarise your leadership style in a sentence or two.
A: I was described earlier this year by one of my team members as Decisive, Brave and Energetic. I think that sums it up!
Q: What is the main challenge or obstacle you have encountered being a visionary of change?
A: Resistance to that change. It's basic human behaviour not to want to change or being afraid of it. I respect where people come from and why they might be afraid, however as the Buddhists say 'the only constant in life is change'. It's about working through that fear together, which does take time and I'm not the most patient person!