Best Tips How to Study from Home Effectively

In today's reality, it has become very important to be able to study at home. And this is true for both adults and children. But while an adult can take control and learn something new, it is not so easy for a child.

Best Tips How to Study from Home Effectively

In today's reality, it has become very important to be able to study at home. And this is true for both adults and children. But while an adult can take control and learn something new, it is not so easy for a child.

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Today's article is all about how to help your child learn effectively at home, how to motivate their development and desire to learn something new.

So, let’s start.

1. Identify intrinsic motivation

There are two kinds of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation is the motivation to do something using external circumstances or incentives. For example, fines, career opportunities, or pay rises.

Intrinsic motivation is a motivation that a person carries within him or herself regardless of the external environment.

Before you start studying - whether on your own or in a group - you need to understand your motivation and set yourself a clear learning goal. And it is important that you are intrinsically motivated, not just externally motivated. Ask yourself: "Why exactly do I need this learning?"

After all, if you don't understand your motivation for doing something, you are more likely not to do it. The magic words "because you have to" that we often heard as children don't work anymore.

But if you can understand the personal benefit you will derive from an action, it will be much easier for your brain to perform that action.

2. Set a global goal and break it down into micro-goals

Gone are the days when studying at school and the university was enough for a lifetime. Today, we live in a VUCA world:

V - volatility;

U - uncertainty;

C - complexity;

A - ambiguity.

And to balance this volatility, complexity, and ambiguity, you should regularly determine what you want to learn and what skills you want to master. Life-long learning comes to the fore.

By accepting the fact that our learning has no end, it is important to set yourself milestones in your learning. Then you will realize that you have learned a certain amount of information, which means that you have passed a certain stage - you have reached a micro-goal.

If you break down long-term goals into shorter ones, you can turn what seems like a marathon into a series of sprints. You cover the same distance, only in shorter and more manageable intervals. Even small goals can usually be broken down into smaller ones.

Breaking down global goals into micro goals mitigates the risks of burnout and over-exertion, and gives you the momentum to keep going.

3. Develop self-discipline and self-management skills

Once you have found your intrinsic motivation to learn, you need to work on self-discipline. In any process, if you want to achieve good results, you need to be organized and have clear self-control.

No matter how strong your motivation is, you will not be able to reach your goal if your self-discipline rock is not pumped up. After all, you can want to achieve something, and see the result, but at the same time be unorganized, chaotic, lazy, and never come to anything.

4. Allocate time for learning

Often adults who decide to start learning do so on impulse. For example, they buy a course without thinking about the fact that they need to devote three to four hours a week to learning. But most adults have enough time on their hands: work, family, extra activities, rest, etc.

So when you start learning, it's important to be prepared to make time for it. Understand that watching soap operas in the evenings may have to be replaced by training video lectures, and meetings with friends can sometimes be canceled through webinars.

Regarding the frequency of classes, the principle "little is better than often" applies here. Don't pile up the lessons with the idea that you will learn them all in a weekend. The learning process is better divided into small time intervals. The benchmark is 30-60 minutes a day. If you do not have so much time, you can allocate 10 minutes. The main thing is regularity.

For pumping skills and control regularity of training, you can use the method Chain calendar. Print a simple calendar, hang it above your desk and mark every day when you devote time to training with a cross. That way you have a chain in front of you that you won't want to interrupt. And the longer it becomes, the harder it will be for you to jump off the learning track.

5. Determine the best way for you to learn

There is no one-size-fits-all program, so it is important to be able to analyze yourself. Experiment with different training methods, programs, and approaches. The most effective way to find out which program is right for you is to try things out a little at a time, and monitor your results and feelings.

Try different paces and times of the day. Find out when you are most productive. When do you feel more comfortable - in the morning after waking up in the evening after work? Do you find it easier to absorb information through audio, video, or text?

Here you can see one of the advantages of self-study: you can concentrate on yourself as much as possible and choose your comfort level.

6. Create a positive experience for your brain

Many of us have had negative learning experiences in our lives - poor school or university education; boring useless couples who wanted to take a walk. These experiences are deposited in the brain, and so often we resist learning subconsciously thinking that it is difficult, boring, and generally useless. 

But when we have positive experiences, the brain becomes more malleable and therefore more willing to learn. For learning to be more effective, you need to create positive experiences for the brain. That is, let it know that learning can (and should) be interesting, engaging, and rewarding.

7. Exercise

According to research by Professor Edgar Dale, when we read we remember 10% of the information; when we listen - 20%, when we watch a picture or video - 30%, but when we observe or practice by ourselves the percentage goes up to 50-90%.

So in most disciplines, it is better to emphasize practice.

Of course, many disciplines need an in-depth study of theory, but often practice is more important. For example, if you aim to master Photoshop, reading books about its use is much less useful than turning on a tutorial and repeating the video directly in the program.

8. Don't give up on expert feedback

Self-study can be highly effective, but it lacks expert feedback. A combination of self-study and feedback is therefore the most effective format.

Nowadays it is not necessary to have an instructor design the curriculum and structure the process. Very often mass online courses can solve this issue. But live individual feedback is not provided by such courses.

So you can learn on your own. But to understand your progress, where to go, and what mistakes to consider, it is advisable to seek feedback from an expert from time to time.

Of course, you can follow the learning path yourself and monitor your progress yourself. And this is also a great option. But asking an expert for advice and a vector of movement is sometimes more valuable and practical because you can save time and move faster. After all, you will know clearly where you are going.

9. Celebrate your victories

It's much easier to move towards a great goal when you celebrate your successes.

Of course, it's also important to reflect on your mistakes as they provide a basis for growth and learning. But celebrating achievements is just as important - it adds motivation and builds the same positive brain experience we talked about.

If you know that a cup of aromatic coffee and a croissant is waiting for you at your favorite coffee shop after you achieve a micro-goal, it will be much more enjoyable to go towards that goal.

What are the conclusions?

Online learning is a very convenient, effective and profitable way to acquire new knowledge. Of course, independent online learning requires more motivation and self-control, because it usually does not contain the factor of social pressure. Thank goodness for reddit essay writing service where you can go and find all the information on online services and the most profitable offers. However, if you set clear goals and determine motivation, then thanks to online training, you can gain new knowledge, improve your qualifications, and even master a new profession.

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