
About the workshop

A logic model is a visual representation of a plan of action or program map guiding the design and implementation of a policy, project or program. This tool provides management with a clear picture of what a program is aiming to achieve and the outcomes that it is intended to deliver. This can also be used as a tool for building a relevant evaluation framework from which to measure success of the program.

Program logic has gained traction as the best practice approach for planning and evaluation as it clearly communicates what the program is, what it is expected to achieve, and how success will be measured. Evaluation of a program needs to go beyond outputs (quantifiable impacts or results), and include outcomes (the broader client responses to the program). Program logic when applied correctly brings all levels of the outputs and outcomes together into a clearly articulated performance story.

This practical hands on workshop aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge to create and communicate outcome focused program plans that have been built with evaluation in mind. The workshop will provide:

- Discussion of logic models as an effective tool for program or policy design

- Understand how to undertake the next steps of a program including implementation and evaluation

- Define the key elements of a program logic

- Integrating the elements of the program including resource inputs, planned activities, stakeholder roles and impacts, and planned results or outcomes

- Engaging stakeholders in the development process

- Taking the appropriate steps for building a logic model for a program, project or policy initiative

- Creating the program logic document - Communicating key elements of the program

- Use the model to define evaluation metrics and performance indicators

Program Logic for Planning & Evaluation

Every program is built on a theory - An introduction

  • The role of theory and logic in effective policy and program planning
  • Situating programs within strategic priorities and broader organisational agendas
  • Program logic and dynamics of change
  • Basics of program logic
  • Different models

Consultation in generating logic models

  • Strategies to elicit stakeholder values - Creative group techniques
  • Dealing with difference - Deliberative processes for addressing divergence
  • Challenges in developing logic models - Mapping complexity

Theory of action and theory of change

  • Understanding the difference
  • Relating theories to outputs and outcomes

Strengths and weaknesses of the program logic

  • The downside - When not to use program logic
  • One step theories versus multi-strand theories
  • Drawing your logic picture - Some considerations
  • Common mistakes in program logic

Planning for effectiveness - The role of program logic in program evaluation

  • Types of evaluation - Purposes and approaches
  • The role of program logic in process and outcome evaluation
  • The importance of context and assumptions to program success
  • Focus on Outcomes - How can program logic can help


  • Linking program logic to evaluation purpose
  • Developing a program logic matrix

Focusing data collection and analysis

  • Generating key evaluation questions
  • Methods commonly used in program evaluation: The place for mixed methods
  • Tips for dealing with the practicalities of data collection


  • What counts as evidence of effectiveness? What methods and whose values count?
  • Performance management and program logic 

Monitoring and accountability

  • Using program logic for data collection and reporting
  • Program Logic - A panacea for assessing complicated programs, or a case of the emperor’s new clothes
  • Professional standards in evaluation
  • Supporting ongoing organisational learning

Course review and major messages  

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