
About the workshop

Government agencies are placing increased focus on the following areas:

• Conduct agency capability reviews

• Introduce shared outcomes across portfolios

• Reduce internal red tape and promote agility

• Review the measures of agency efficiency

• Strengthen the governance framework

• Help small agencies to improve the efficiency of their corporate functions

The generally accepted principles of Public Sector governance include:

• Accountability – being answerable for decisions and having meaningful mechanisms in place to ensure adherence to all applicable standards

• Transparency – clear roles and responsibilities and clear procedures for decision making and the exercise of power

• Integrity – acting impartially, ethically and in the interests of the agency, and not misusing information acquired through a position of trust

• Stewardship – using every opportunity to enhance the value of the public assets and institutions that have been entrusted to care

• Efficiency – the best use of resources to further the aims of the organisations with a commitment to evidence-based strategies for improvement

• Leadership – leadership from the top is critical to achieving an agency-wide commitment to good governance

Good governance is about …

• Performance – how an agency uses governance arrangements to contribute to its overall performance and the delivery of goods, services or programmes, and

• Conformance – how an agency uses governance arrangements to ensure it meets the requirements of the law, regulations, published standards and community expectations of probity, accountability and openness

The challenge for public servants is to understand the full responsibilities of good governance. The Constitution, common law, specific Public Sector legislation, guidelines, conventions, codes of conduct and agreements state the ‘must do’ elements of governance but don’t always explain the ‘how to’. This workshop will provide the practical skills to assure governance effectiveness from the highest levels throughout the organisation.

This interactive workshop will allow delegates to explore a practical managerial approach to address contemporary Public Sector governance issues, tools, challenges and risks.

Evaluating Governance Effectiveness

Understanding the Principles and Objectives of the Public Sector Governance Charter

• Recent developments in the Public Sector

• Changing nature of Australian federal and State public

service (APS)

• Reviewing governance codes, guidelines and legislation

• Sharing outcomes across portfolios

• Reducing “red tape” to promote agility

Determining Relevant Public Sector Governance Frameworks, Processes and Practices

• Review of business logic of existing frameworks

• Performance and conformance – What is the right balance?

• How much governance is required?

• Embedding governance policies and practices in the agency

• How to strengthen your corporate governance framework

Preparing for a Performance Management Monitoring and Evaluation Review

• Leadership; executive communication dynamics and


• Setting up risk, control and audit processes

• How to measure performance

• Working effectively across organisational boundaries

• Realising good governance is not an end in itself

Evaluating Governance effectiveness across organisational boundaries

• Good versus poor governance…what to measure and by


• Shared outcomes across portfolios

• Reaching upwards with governance evaluation

Action Plan: End of Day Take-Aways and Priority Actions


Reviewing Risk Management, Compliance and Assurance Systems

• Review the measures of agency objectives

• How risk management and governance work best together

• Managing risk through committees or line management

• Demonstrating risks and impact on business as leverage for

good governance

• Setting up audit committees

Preparing for a “Health Check” Toolkit Review to Evaluate Governance Effectiveness

• What should be on a review checklist?

• Where to find existing tools to prepare for review?

• Review perceived value of governance towards process


Identifying Stakeholder Critical Success Factors for Governance Leadership, Ethics and Performance

• APS and State values and code of conduct

• Obtaining senior management buy-in for governance

initiatives – top-down approach

• Accountability and being answerable for decisions

• Demonstrating integrity, ethically through a position of trust

• Governance arrangements for GBEs, GTEs, Statutory

Authorities, SOCs, etc

Review Flexible and Evolving Principles-Based Governance Systems

• “Tackling Wicked Problems” – Public Sector perspective

• What actions and risks lie ahead?

• Governance sustainability for the future

• Case study: ‘Effective Governance – Tourism Promotion'

Performance Evaluation”

Action Plan: Governance Audit and Process Initiatives

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Who Will Attend

Delegates from Federal, State and Local Government, also
Education and Public Authorities / Government Business
Enterprises (GBEs), in roles spanning:
• Corporate Governance and Reporting
• Corporate Services
• Risk and Audit Assurance
• Internal Audit
• Business Integrity
• Evaluation and Performance Audit
• Business Strategy and Planning
• Company Secretaries and Board Members
• Senior Executives

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