
About the workshop

As a leader, no matter how large or small your team, no matter where in your organisation you sit - you are a change leader.

You’ve had to manage the transition to a dispersed workforce, face the challenges of working and leading remotely, potentially lost people from your teams, and countless other unexpected and unprecedented disruptions. But whether you’re an established leader, or brand new to management, leading through rapid change is it’s own unique and incredibly specialised skill. To be effective and thrive in this new post-COVID world, and to help ensure that you and your people are equipped for the challenges to come, you need to become an expert change leader.

Over two absolutely packed, interactive days of training, you will delve into the psychology of change, the biology of stress, how people respond physiologically to uncertainty, and the causes of change resistance. With this knowledge at your disposal, you will then unpack practicable strategies to increase performance, improve adaptability and change response, and develop your team’s resilience under the pressure of rapid change.

The 7 Critical Skills to Lead Through Change & Disruption

Leading through rapid change

- Explore the VUCA environment (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)

- Explore new challenges in a VUCA world

- Management vs leadership - what makes you distinctive?


Interpreting the impacts of disruption, change and uncertainty

- Understanding organisational complexity

- Distinguishing types of complexity (imposed, inherent, designed and dysfunctional) and their characteristics

- How do effective managers and leaders promote performance in complex settings?

- Tools for managing complex issues 


Understand what causes change resistance

- Explore different personalities and behavioural types and how they respond to change

- Why organisations have difficulty adapting to change, and pivoting

- Learn how to manage change response in yourself and your team

- Transition your mindset from consistency and certainty to adaptable and proactive


Strategies to build resilience and strengthen your stress response

- What is stress? The biology of stress on brain, mind and body

- Anticipate and manage risk effectively

- Perform productively through tough times

- Making crucial judgments under pressure


Culture and performance in a VUCA world

- What does ‘good’ culture look like in the new environment

- The innovation challenge - Where are we now, and how do we get to ‘good’?

- Self-assessment - Strengths to build on, and strengths to build

- The role of the leader in helping staff cope with VUCA challenges


Stakeholder management

- Engage and manage stakeholder expectations during change

- Represent and influence on behalf of your organisation with authority

- Engage and manage sensitive issues under pressure

- Learn to harness and resolve conflict


Explore the implications of workforce disruptions, distributed working and redeployments 

- Tackle task uncertainty and develop a healthy working rhythm

- Communication and connection frameworks to build team capability and accountability

- Develop your team’s resilience to stress and change

- Leading teams to achieve higher levels of performance


Leading through Change think-tank

- Wrap up discussion on key themes and your career action plan

- What will you do differently as a result of this program?

- How to stay on track when other priorities demand attention

- Tools and ideas to navigate obstacles and competing priorities

Tailor Your Training Experience

To make sure you get the learning solution that’s right for you, we offer different levels of tailoring to suit your needs. Choose from three levels of customisation:

1.Off the Shelf

Love what you see? Great! Choose this option to take one of our most popular courses and bring it in-house for your team. Includes a pre-course consult session with our facilitator to make sure we hit the mark, and deliver the right learning experience for you.


Make sure you get the most from the course you choose, by tailoring the content to get the right fit for you. Speak to our team, who will work with you to pick and mix from a curated bank of training modules to help customise your learning experience.


Not on the list? Let us know what you’re looking for and we will find the right solution. Our team of learning specialists will work with you to develop a unique training course for your business. Through an in-depth consultation process, we will work with you to profile your learning needs and build a bespoke program from the ground up.

Speak with one of our team today to find which option is right for you.

Who Will Attend

Aspiring and emerging leaders, across all disciplines & departments throughout all industries, in roles including:

- Managers
- Team Leaders
- Senior Advisors
- Officers / Senior Officers
- Directors / Assistant Directors

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