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Neurodiversity for Managers & Leaders Workshop

August 8th, 2024 / Melbourne, AU


A hands-on guide for promoting inclusivity and team success

• Understand neurodiversity in the workplace
• Explore adaptive leadership strategies that address the diverse needs of your teams
• Identify opportunities to improve team psychological health and performance
• Develop a tailored action plan to implement neurodiversity-informed leadership practices




Understanding neurodiversity

- What is neurodiversity - Raising awareness and understanding

- Debunk common myths and misconceptions about neurodivergent individuals

- Neurodivergent employees - policy and law

Embracing neurodiversity in the workplace

- The benefits of a neurodiverse team

- Common challenges faced by neurodiverse employees and how to support them

- Factors that influence employee engagement, well-being and organisational success

Effective communication and collaboration to promote neuro-inclusive leadership

- Explore leadership qualities that promote an neuro-inclusive environment

- Effective communication styles to accommodate different neurodiverse needs

- Strategies to support neurodiverse individuals and foster collaboration

- Understand how a strengths based approach can contribute to effective leadership

Action planning for success - Create an inclusive and psychologically safe work environment

- Explore physical and social changes to create a more neuro-inclusive workspace

- Strategies for building a culture of psychological safety and trust 

- Create an action plan to promote neurodiversity inclusion in your team

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Melbourne, AU

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